1. 调用图说明
1.1 示例图
1.2 节点颜色
- 红色代表累计值cum为正,并且很大;
- 绿色代表累计值cum为负,并且很大;
- 灰色代表累计值cum可以忽略不计。
1.3 节点字体大小
- 较大的字体表示较大的当前值;
- 较小的字体表示较小的当前值。
1.4 边框颜色
- 当前值较大并且为正数时为红色;
- 当前值较小并且为负数时为绿色;
- 接近0的当前值为灰色。
1.5 箭头大小
- 箭头越粗代表当前的路径消耗了越多的资源;
- 箭头越细代表当前的路径消耗了越少的资源。
1.6 箭头类型
- 虚线箭头表示两个节点之间的某些节点已被忽略,为间接调用;
- 实线箭头表示两个节点之间为直接调用。
2. 火焰图说明
2.1 示例图
2.2 含义说明
- 最上方的
- 火焰图每一层中的函数都是平级的,下层函数是其对应的上层函数的子函数。
- 函数调用栈越长,火焰就越高。
- 框越长、颜色越深,代表当前函数占用资源越多。
- 可以单击任何框,查看该函数更详细的信息。
排查三步曲: top: 根据资源排序; list:查看具体代码信息;web:在浏览器中打开调用图
3. 排查内存占用高
3.1 进入交互式
➜ go tool pprof app Fetching profile over HTTP from Saved profile in /Users/liuqh/pprof/pprof.app.alloc_objects.alloc_space.inuse_objects.inuse_space.001.pb.gz File: app Type: inuse_space Time: Nov 16, 2021 at 9:14pm (CST) Entering interactive mode (type "help" for commands, "o" for options)
3.2 定位内存最高
(pprof) top Showing nodes accounting for 5290.49kB, 100% of 5290.49kB total flat flat% sum% cum cum% 3754.47kB 70.97% 70.97% 5290.49kB 100% 52lu/go-pprof/scenes.UseHeapDemo.func1 1536.02kB 29.03% 100% 1536.02kB 29.03% fmt.Sprintf 0 0% 100% 512.01kB 9.68% 52lu/go-pprof/scenes.getBody 0 0% 100% 1024.02kB 19.36% 52lu/go-pprof/scenes.getGirl
3.3 查看具体代码
(pprof) list UseHeapDemo Total: 5.17MB ROUTINE ======================== 52lu/go-pprof/scenes.UseHeapDemo.func1 in /Users/liuqh/ProjectItem/GoItem/go-pprof/scenes/heap.go 3.67MB 5.17MB (flat, cum) 100% of Total . . 8:func UseHeapDemo() { . . 9: go func() { . . 10: var result []string . . 11: i := 1 . . 12: for { . 512.01kB 13: body := getBody() . 1MB 14: girl := getGirl() . . 15: result = append(result,body...) 3.67MB 3.67MB 16: result = append(result,girl...) . . 17: fmt.Printf("第%d轮,count:%v \n",i,len(result)) . . 18: time.Sleep(time.Second * 5) . . 19: i++ . . 20: } . . 21: }() (pprof)
3.4 在浏览器中查看
4. 排查CPU占用高
4.1 进入交互式
➜ go tool pprof app Fetching profile over HTTP from Saved profile in /Users/liuqh/pprof/pprof.app.samples.cpu.003.pb.gz File: app Type: cpu Time: Nov 16, 2021 at 8:55pm (CST) Duration: 30s, Total samples = 15.76s (52.53%) Entering interactive mode (type "help" for commands, "o" for options) (pprof)
4.2 定位cpu占用最高
(pprof) top Showing nodes accounting for 15.68s, 99.49% of 15.76s total Dropped 9 nodes (cum <= 0.08s) flat flat% sum% cum cum% 15.44s 97.97% 97.97% 15.68s 99.49% 52lu/go-pprof/scenes.compute 0.24s 1.52% 99.49% 0.24s 1.52% runtime.asyncPreempt 0 0% 99.49% 15.68s 99.49% 52lu/go-pprof/scenes.UseCpuDemo (inline) 0 0% 99.49% 15.68s 99.49% main.main 0 0% 99.49% 0.08s 0.51% runtime.findrunnable 0 0% 99.49% 15.68s 99.49% runtime.main 0 0% 99.49% 0.08s 0.51% runtime.mcall 0 0% 99.49% 0.08s 0.51% runtime.park_m 0 0% 99.49% 0.08s 0.51% runtime.schedule
4.3 查看具体代码
(pprof) list compute Total: 15.76s ROUTINE ======================== 52lu/go-pprof/scenes.compute in /Users/liuqh/ProjectItem/GoItem/go-pprof/scenes/cpu.go 15.44s 15.68s (flat, cum) 99.49% of Total . . 6: compute() . . 7:} . . 8: . . 9:func compute() { . . 10: var total int64 15.44s 15.68s 11: for i := 0; i < 100000000000; i++ { . . 12: total = total + int64(i) . . 13: } . . 14: fmt.Println("遍历完成") . . 15:}
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5. 排查协程泄露
5.1 什么是协程泄露
5.2 进入交互式
➜ go tool pprof app Fetching profile over HTTP from Saved profile in /Users/liuqh/pprof/pprof.app.goroutine.007.pb.gz File: app Type: goroutine Time: Nov 16, 2021 at 9:43pm (CST) Entering interactive mode (type "help" for commands, "o" for options)
5.3 定位协程情况
(pprof) top Showing nodes accounting for 37, 100% of 37 total Showing top 10 nodes out of 41 flat flat% sum% cum cum% 35 94.59% 94.59% 35 94.59% runtime.gopark 1 2.70% 97.30% 1 2.70% net/http.(*connReader).backgroundRead 1 2.70% 100% 1 2.70% runtime/pprof.runtime_goroutineProfileWithLabels 0 0% 100% 1 2.70% 52lu/go-pprof/scenes.UseGoroutineDemo 0 0% 100% 1 2.70% 52lu/go-pprof/scenes.errorUse 0 0% 100% 30 81.08% 52lu/go-pprof/scenes.errorUse.func1 0 0% 100% 3 8.11% bufio.(*Reader).ReadLine 0 0% 100% 3 8.11% bufio.(*Reader).ReadSlice 0 0% 100% 3 8.11% bufio.(*Reader).fill 0 0% 100% 1 2.70% internal/poll.(*FD).Accep
5.4 查看具体代码
(pprof) list errorUse.func1 Total: 37 ROUTINE ======================== 52lu/go-pprof/scenes.errorUse.func1 in /Users/liuqh/ProjectItem/GoItem/go-pprof/scenes/goroutine.go 0 30 (flat, cum) 81.08% of Total . . 9: . . 10:func errorUse() { . . 11: for { . . 12: time.Sleep(time.Second) . . 13: go func() { . 30 14: time.Sleep(time.Second * 30) . . 15: }() . . 16: } . . 17:} . . 18:func trueUse() { . . 19: res := make(chan []int)
5.5 在浏览器中查看
5.6 base基准分析
➜ go tool pprof -base pprof.app.goroutine.001.pb.gz pprof.app.goroutine.002.pb.gz File: app Type: goroutine Time: Nov 16, 2021 at 10:12pm (CST) Entering interactive mode (type "help" for commands, "o" for options) (pprof) top Showing nodes accounting for 28, 100% of 28 total flat flat% sum% cum cum% 28 100% 100% 28 100% runtime.gopark 0 0% 100% 28 100% 52lu/go-pprof/scenes.errorUse.func1 0 0% 100% 28 100% time.Sleep (pprof)➜ pprof go tool pprof -base pprof.app.goroutine.001.pb.gz pprof.app.goroutine.002.pb.gz File: app Type: goroutine Time: Nov 16, 2021 at 10:12pm (CST) Entering interactive mode (type "help" for commands, "o" for options) (pprof) top Showing nodes accounting for 28, 100% of 28 total flat flat% sum% cum cum% 28 100% 100% 28 100% runtime.gopark 0 0% 100% 28 100% 52lu/go-pprof/scenes.errorUse.func1 0 0% 100% 28 100% time.Sleep
6. 排查锁竞争情况
func init() { go func() { if err := http.ListenAndServe(":6060", nil); err != nil { fmt.Println("pprof err:",err) } }() runtime.SetMutexProfileFraction(1) }
6.1 进入交互式
➜ go tool pprof Fetching profile over HTTP from Saved profile in /Users/liuqh/pprof/pprof.contentions.delay.007.pb.gz Type: delay Time: Nov 17, 2021 at 3:04pm (CST) Entering interactive mode (type "help" for commands, "o" for options)
6.2 排序互斥耗时
(pprof) top Showing nodes accounting for 37.09s, 100% of 37.09s total flat flat% sum% cum cum% 37.09s 100% 100% 37.09s 100% sync.(*Mutex).Unlock 0 0% 100% 37.09s 100% 52lu/go-pprof/scenes.UseMutexDemo.func1
6.3 查看具体代码
(pprof) list UseMutexDemo Total: 37.09s ROUTINE ======================== 52lu/go-pprof/scenes.UseMutexDemo.func1 in /Users/liuqh/ProjectItem/GoItem/go-pprof/scenes/mutex.go 0 37.09s (flat, cum) 100% of Total . . 21: stu.idList = append(stu.idList, id) . . 22: time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 200) . . 23: }() . . 24: } . . 25:}
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7. 排查阻塞操作
func init() { ... runtime.SetBlockProfileRate(1) }
7.1 查看/debug/pprof
1. 当前阻塞数量
2. 具体阻塞位置
7.2 进入交互式
➜ go tool pprof Fetching profile over HTTP from Saved profile in /Users/liuqh/pprof/pprof.contentions.delay.012.pb.gz Type: delay Time: Nov 17, 2021 at 4:30pm (CST) Entering interactive mode (type "help" for commands, "o" for options)
7.3 排序阻塞时间
(pprof) top Showing nodes accounting for 59.75s, 100% of 59.75s total Dropped 4 nodes (cum <= 0.30s) flat flat% sum% cum cum% 59.75s 100% 100% 59.75s 100% runtime.chanrecv1 0 0% 100% 59.75s 100% 52lu/go-pprof/scenes.UseBlockDemo (inline) 0 0% 100% 59.75s 100% 52lu/go-pprof/scenes.handle 0 0% 100% 59.75s 100% main.main 0 0% 100% 59.75s 100% runtime.main
: 代表通道chan
7.4 查看具体阻塞代码
(pprof) list Use Total: 59.75s ROUTINE ======================== 52lu/go-pprof/scenes.UseBlockDemo in /Users/liuqh/ProjectItem/GoItem/go-pprof/scenes/block.go 0 59.75s (flat, cum) 100% of Total . . 6:var sqlCh = make(chan []string) . . 7:var bCh = make(chan bool) . . 8: . . 9:func UseBlockDemo() { . . 10: for i := 0; i < 1000; i++ { . 59.75s 11: handle() . . 12: } . . 13:} . . 14: . . 15:func handle() { . . 16: // 等待文件写入
(pprof) list handle Total: 59.75s ROUTINE ======================== 52lu/go-pprof/scenes.handle in /Users/liuqh/ProjectItem/GoItem/go-pprof/scenes/block.go 0 59.75s (flat, cum) 100% of Total . . 16: // 等待文件写入 . . 17: go func() { . . 18: time.Sleep(time.Second) . . 19: bCh <- true . . 20: }() . 35.08s 21: <-bCh . . 22: // 发起网络请求 . . 23: go func() { . . 24: time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 500) . . 25: reqCh <- "req success" . . 26: }() . . 27: // 阻塞等待 . 17.59s 28: <-reqCh . . 29: // 执行SQL查询 . . 30: go func() { . . 31: time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 200) . . 32: sqlCh <- []string{"hello","world"} . . 33: }() . 7.08s 34: <-sqlCh . . 35:} . . 36:
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